Awards & Testimonials

Presented by Schering-Plough for the achievement of two million man-hours without lost time accident in the Singapore Expansion Project, presented to Frisco Technology & Services Pte Ltd.

Plaque of Appreciation to Mr. Roland Teo, Founder of Frisco Technology & Services Pte. Ltd. 2014

Presented by Hitachi to Frisco Technology & Services Pte. Ltd. for supporting during the Bedok Reservoir Clean Up, 2013

Plaque of Appreciation for the partnership in the LBXS 2 Project, 2010

Plaque of Appreciation for partnership in the REC Project (2008-2010), 2010

Presented by Bovis Lend Lease and Abbott Laboratories for the achievement of 3.8 million work hours in the Abbott Project Tuas, 2007

Presented by Jacob’s Lend Lease for the achievement of four million man-hours without lost time accident in the OSP-1 PFIZER PROJECT, 2002

Presented by Wacker and M+W Zander to Frisco Technology & Services Pte. Ltd.

Plaque of Appreciation for 5 years of loyal support and valuable contribution